Safety Systems now certified to ISO 45001:2018 and AS/NZS 4801:2001
Queensland Industrial Cladding (QIC) places the highest priority on the safety of our employees and others in the workplace. Risk analysis and control is carried out on all parts of any project. QIC establish, monitor and maintain safe and healthy working conditions on all projects undertaken, with the ultimate goal of achieving an accident-free work environment. All Queensland Industrial Cladding management, team leaders and team members improve the safety and health effectiveness of all projects through evaluation, planning, training and implementation of safe work procedures.
Queensland Industrial Cladding Innovative safety systems.
QIC is a leader in innovation of safety systems, development to engineering working on eliminating exposure to workplace risk
Roof mesh winches
QIC have developed roof mesh winches which we use to pull long runs of mesh safely and quickly to avoid fatigue and strains on the mesh pulling crew.
Wall installation Winches
We utilize electric winches to pull long wall sheets (>10m) into position. We adopted this technology following the identification of this exercise as being a prime source of strain injury to our workers. It also helps to address fatigue and overheat issues on sites, as well as being an efficient sheet locating system which is particularly useful on windy sites where sheets may become out of control when manually lifted.
Roof Walker Purlin Trolley System
Our purlin Trolley / Roof Walker has been developed over many years of experience in the roofing & cladding industry. Queensland Industrial Cladding has hired out the roof walker system to clients such as Bechtel Curtis Island, and has been used on mining sites. We are proud of this development as this is at the cutting edge of safety and our commitment to achieve a high safety standard in the workplace.
This system enables workers to install or remove sheets whilst eliminating exposure to fall from heights
Queensland Industrial Cladding provides all our employees with the following specialist training
- Working at heights.
- Handling materials.
- Rigging & Hoisting.
- Safety Certificates.
- Induction & Site Inductions.
- Tool Box Meetings.
- Operation of Power Equipment and Machinery.
- Installation of the temporary safety handrail.
- Installation of Safety Mesh.
Queensland Industrial Cladding is certified to demolish and the removal of asbestos, Workplace certification to A & B.
Custom made ridge-vent installation trolley, for extra-large ridge-vent installation

Hoisting Cradle

Hydraulic Sheet Punch
QIC developed a hydraulic sheet punch of pre-punching profiled aluminium sheeting, to minimise fatigue and time spent working at heights.